Swapping with MetaMask and Uniswap
Below are instructions for swapping Ethereum for Apollo using your Metamask wallet and a service called UniSwap using the Chrome Browser.
1. Connect your Metamask to UniSwap
Visit this website.
On the top right you will see a button “Connect Wallet”. Tap this button to see a window open with different wallets you may have already set up like the image below, including your Metamask wallet. Tap on the "Metamask" wallet button and it will open the browser extension you installed previously for Metamask.
Approve the connection.
You should now see your address where the “Connect Wallet” button was as shown below.
2. Swap Ethereum for Apollo
While on the same screen pictured above, click “Select a token” and pick ETH in the dropdown.
Tap the "gear" icon and set your “slippage” to somewhere between 6% and 9%.
Now you need to decide how much of your Ethereum you want to swap for Apollo. There are a few things to note here:
The market cap for Apollo has increased significantly but is still relatively low which means the price can change quickly. You will be buying Apollo at the price you "create" by making your purchase. For example, if you buy a “large” amount, you will be paying for a price higher than Apollo currently trades at. But what is a large amount? A good indicator is the “-X%” next to the dollar amount of Apollo (the yellow “-1.36%” in the picture below). Anything around 2% or higher will be considered a “large” buy based on the then-current market cap. The alternative is to perform multiple smaller buys in the hopes that another Apollo owner sells some of theirs in between your buys. However, each purchase you make incurs its own separate gas fees.
Every transaction on the blockchain will incur a “gas” fee which you have to pay in Ethereum. Apollo does not receive the gas fees. Gas fees have been quite high on Ethereum recently. For example, trades can be as low as $60 or as high as $160 per transaction. Gas fees change rapidly but are usually lowest in the middle of the night or early morning. Therefore, you must leave some of your Ethereum in your wallet to pay for these gas fees. For example, if you are about to swap 2 Ethereum for Apollo, you may instead swap 1.9 Ethereum for Apollo, leaving the .1 Ethereum in your wallet which can be used to pay for your gas fees.
Tap the “swap” button to see a confirmation window like the one below.
Tap the “Confirm Swap” button and your Metamask browser extension will pop up to confirm the transaction. Tap the “Confirm” button to complete the swap of Ethereum for Apollo.
3. Confirm your Apollo is now in your Metamask wallet
The transaction may take a few minutes.
It is likely that you won't immediately see “APOLLO” listed in your Metamask wallet. This is easily fixed. Simply scroll to the bottom of the list in your Metamask wallet and tap on “Import Tokens”.
Paste the address of Apollo “0xADf86E75d8f0F57e0288D0970E7407eaA49b3CAb” into the “Token Contract Address” on the “Custom Token” tab.
Tap “Add Custom Token” and you should now see APOLLO in your list of tokens.
Don't worry if you don’t see the actual Apollo logo.
Last updated